Roseberry Topping - Bluebells in Newton Wood
Roseberry Topping with the stunning Bluebells of Newton Wood in front – one of the best sights in the North-East. Read on to find out where this exact spot is.


One of the North-East’s best views – Roseberry Topping and the Bluebells:

Roseberry Topping and the surrounding North York Moors make for some great walks and fine views any time of the year, but it is in the spring (May/early June) when a spectacular event happens and Newton Wood springs into life with a carpet of Bluebells lighting up swathes of the land around Roseberry Topping – it’s something you simply have to see. 


On this blog post you can see some of my pictures from Newton Wood (locally called Bluebell Wood) and if you want to visit the area – I’ve shown a map of where exactly the specific place is for the best view of Roseberry Topping with the bluebells right in front (like the photo above) and how to get there.

Location for the best view of Roseberry Topping and the Bluebells:

Map showing my location to take the best picture of roseberry topping bluebells
This map (see pink circle) shows the exact location to get the best view of Roseberry Topping and the bluebells shown at the top of the page and to get there you walk through Newton Wood which is covered in bluebells in May and early June.

How to walk to the best viewpoint to see the bluebells and Roseberry Topping in the spring:

Firstly just make sure it’s the right time of the year in the spring when the bluebells are generally in flower everywhere – which is usually May/early June. Bluebells pop up everywhere in the U.K. including in peoples gardens – so if you see them near where you live – then that’s the time to head over to Roseberry Topping and Newton Wood!


The best car park to use is just north of Great Ayton, at the Roseberry Topping car park at the foot of Roseberry Topping Lane (Shown on the map above in the middle right at the top) From the car park head up Roseberry Lane then walk into Newton Wood up the steps – then turn right through Newton Wood when you come to a bench. There are a few paths through Newton Wood – take any but just keep walking south for about 20-30mins and you will eventually come to an opening which is a small field covered in Bluebells! When the bluebells are out – the walk through Newton Wood is superb. The best views are at the most elevated part of the bluebell field – next to the fence bordering a grassy field (where the circle is on the map above). On a spring evening it’s an stunning walk through bluebell wood – I just couldn’t believe how many bluebells there were. Obviously the bluebells only make an appearance in the spring – mid May is traditionally the best time when they are in full flower and sometimes will last into June.

A walk through Newton Wood near Roseberry Topping:

Walking through the stunning Newton Wood
Newton Wood is literally carpeted in Bluebells
You can clearly see here how these flowers get their names with their little bell shaped blue flowers
Roseberry Topping - Bluebells in Newton Wood
For a Teeside lad – this is one of my best views anywhere and certainly one of the best views in the North-East of England: Roseberry Topping and the Bluebells of Newton Wood
Doing this walk as the sun goes down on a spring evening is just magical – if your lucky to get a great sunset too then you are in for a real treat!

So there you go. I hope this blog post inspires you to want to visit the bluebells at Newton Wood in spring or just visit the Roseberry Topping area for a walk. Thanks for reading! If you have any questions – just post a comment and I’ll try and answer.





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I hope this website helps you plan some superb outdoors adventures! I'm probably preaching to the converted - but please respect the outdoors, don't trash it and leave only footprints.

I’m hopeful that being outdoors makes us appreciate the natural world more and want to look after it and live more sustainably. We’ve only got one planet on which we all rely on - and I think if we each can do our little bit, added together, it spreads like ripples through a pond, and changes the world.