Elf on the shelf ideas last minute quick ideas naughty elf christmas
Looking for Elf on the Shelf ideas? Here’s some quick last minute Elf ideas to help you this Christmas!

Elf of the Shelf Ideas – quick last-minute ideas for your naughty elf this Christmas

Elf on the Shelf has become a hugely popular way to invite some Christmas fun into your home over Christmas – and people have come up with all sorts of Elf on the Shelf ideas. But sometimes you nearly forget or just don’t have the time and need some quick last minute Elf on the Shelf ideas. Well read on – here’s a few ideas that don’t need much time or materials and have got me out of a pickle a few times.


Elf on the Shelf Idea #1:
Toilet Roll Mayhem

Elf on the shelf ideas last minute quick ideas naughty elf christmas
All you need for this is a bit of toilet roll and just drape it wherever you can so it looks like the Elf have had a bit of over night fun – the more toilet roll you have – the better! 


Elf on the Shelf Idea #2:
Snow Angels in the Kitchen

Elf on the shelf ideas last minute quick ideas naughty elf christmas
For this Elf on the Shelf idea all you need is some flour, sugar or whatever other power you have lying around – and then just make those snow angels!

Elf on the Shelf Idea #3:
Creative Elf’s!

Elf on the shelf ideas last minute quick ideas naughty elf christmas
A good last minute Elf on the Shelf idea is to get them to draw on some thing lying around and fruit can be a useful thing for these cheeky elves to draw on – I guess it depends how good you are are drawing though!

Elf on the Shelf Idea #4:
Arty Elf’s!

Elf on the shelf ideas last minute quick ideas naughty elf christmas
Here’s an idea of what else the Elf on the Shelf can draw on! Minion faces on the bananas or faces on the eggs!

Elf on the Shelf Idea #5:
Sledging Elf’s

Elf on the shelf ideas last minute quick ideas naughty elf christmas
If you have some card board lying around then a good Elf on the Shelf idea  is to make a slide for the little rascals



Elf on the Shelf Idea #6:
Tolet roll Snowmen!

Elf on the shelf ideas last minute quick ideas naughty elf christmas
Marker pens can come in really handy for last-minute quick Elf on the Shelf ideas – and toilet roll can be used to male snowmen! Really quick and really easy this one!
A variation on the toilet roll snowman Elf on the shelf idea – put the elf in the toilet roll haha (little tip – stick the felt tip behind the elf and through both toilet rolls to keep the top toilet roll in place!)

Elf on the Shelf Idea #7:
Carrot mayhem!

Got carrots? Got a grater? Let them crazy Elf’s loose! haha This is a really quick and creative Elf on the Shelf idea


Elf on the Shelf Idea #8:
Helpful Elfs

Elf on shelf idea quick easy
Have some tin foil? Then wrap the kids school shoe sup in foil – and put a note next them “we’ve shined your shoes for you”. This is a rally easy & quick Elf on the Shelf idea

Elf on the Shelf Idea #9:

If you’ve got some Christmas Crackers – empty them all out on the floor and pull a couple – really easy this one for a bit of Elf fun

Elf on the Shelf Idea #10:
Elfs working out!


Get those Elfs woking out by lifting some marshmallows on sticks! Really easy and quick idea this one and not much mess!






Want more Elf on the Shelf inspiration?


Click here for more Elf on the Shelf ideas




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